Waynesville. The next closest town
Here you will find:
Ingles for groceries
Many restaurants
Rec Center
Visitor Info Center
Mast General Store
Movie Theater - The Strand Theater
Brew Houses
The Dump

A grocery store.
Address: 725 US-276, Waynesville, NC
Ingles has everything you could need. (including a Starbucks)
* We’ve left an Ingles card on the dining room table – Bring it for reasonable prices. Also, the card on your keychain is to the same account. There's an Ingles with gas, just inside of the GA state line on your way home. Us the card for gas discount points.
** The Ingles parking lot has one of the best mountain views around!
Haywood County Tourism & Visitor Center
In Waynesville
44 North Main Street, Waynesville, NC 28786
Primary Phone - (828) 452-0152
Toll Free - (800) 334-9036
There’s a guy here “Big Jim or Big John” who knows all the great kid friendly stuff in the area.
Waynesville Recreation Center
* That’s not actually the proper name.
There’s a little recreation area with a decent, well sponsored playground, some tennis courts, and some beat down basketball courts. There are also bathrooms.
Use your GPS to find this one. We searched for “Recreation” from the Ingle’s parking lot and found this place. Try 150 W Marshall St. Waynesville, NC
Basically, we took a left out of Ingles towards town. Pass the BiLo, take a left at the light with O’Rielly Auto Parts store. Then in about a 1/4 mile you’ll see a little brown sign on the right side of the road pointing you to turn left for the rec. center. It’s a pretty beat down looking part of town but the rec center is fun if the kids need a different playground.The Dump
This is where you’ll need to go to bring the trash and recycling when you leave.
It’s more of a parking lot with a couple of dumpsters rather than a landfill.
It is CLOSED on Tuesdays. It is also closed on Thursdays (sometimes), but sometimes closed Sundays, depending on the season.
Plan accordingly.
How to get there
When you turn right from US19, onto Russ Ave, towards Waynesville, There’s a large yellow Book Store sign at the first light.
Turn right there.
The dump is on the right in 1 lot.
63 Mauney Cove Rd,
Waynesville NC